Milling Titanium Framework
Milling Titanium Frameworks for Implant Treatment in the Edentulous Jaw. The frameworks can be made of titanium, precious alloys and Co-Cr base alloys. Because these materials vary in their physical properties, they present different advantages and disadvantages in terms of stability, esthetic, technical processing, required framework dimensions and patient comfort. Nowadays, CAD/CAM Milling Titanium Frameworks is the option due to the high precision, passive fit, design flexibility, high quality and reduce laboratory effort and time. Also, due to highly homogenous and strain free material characteristics of CAD/CAM Milled Titanium Frameworks, fractures are less frequent than in cast frameworks. Considering the relatively poor precision of cast frameworks, precious alloys and Co-Cr base alloys loose acceptance and relevance from both a technical and economic point of view.
Milling Titanium Framework